overcome anxiety from birth trauma

Nascence trauma is existent, is raw and is painful. It means differently things for women who take gone through it. It'south so important to sympathize that it's your story and you can share it when you experience safe and comfortable in doing so.

For me information technology took until now to actually speak upwardly most my traumatic birth and live my purpose from information technology. Yeah! Mama, in that location is a reason or purpose why you lot went through this birth trauma. Whether right now y'all don't see it or even believe it. Because it's too presently, or you lot're still going through the effects of it.

It's difficult to see the light at the stop of a very dark, lonely and painful tunnel, right? But trust me,this year I became a life passenger vehicle for women who accept gone through birth trauma. Here's my 1:1 coaching program!

Simply all of this happened after 8 years! Yup! I was too scared to share my story, had fears and a lot of limiting beliefs about it. Only I knew deep downward that my purpose and passion is to aid other mamas who have gone through birth trauma and I want to help them thrive despite of information technology.

For my nativity story, I am a survivor of HELLP Syndrome and Eclampsia. I was in the ICU for a week fighting for my life. I was confused, scared to death and filled with feet. My life was not supposed to end up like this. My birth wasn't supposed to be similar this. What.is.happeneing? The commencement year after giving birth to my twins and having that traumatic nativity, I had farthermost anxiety and fifty-fifty suffered a couple of anxiety attacks!

Sounds familiar?

I hope these tips can aid you ease and overcome your anxiety from birth trauma. These are the things that I did to start feeling like myself again, to stop the anxiety attacks and to thrive and truly savor my life every bit a mom!

5 powerful ways to overcome anxiety from nascency trauma

Reduce and overcome anxiety effects from birth trauma

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1.Distract your mind

One of the outset things that I learned myself was to distract my listen. For case, if those flashbacks were coming back or I started to think something bad was going to happen to me then I would immediately change my thoughts. So, I would think about dinner, or i would literally say "I'm okay, I'thou salubrious God is with me". These thoughts would alter everything for me. So, the more you lot say these positive thoughts or affirmations the more you will learn to distract your negative scary thoughts. Then it will lead to reducing your anxiety.

It helps with redirecting your encephalon into thinking something other than what'southward triggering your feet.

Read these books:

2.Find a hobby

When you are preoccupied with something else that brings you lot joy and a positive distraction. Information technology will help you so much. Not just to reduce your anxiety and fears that happens afterwards something traumatic, but information technology also gets you excited to have this hobby. For me was creating this website (stressfreemommies) and so everyday I would await forward to information technology and it helped me forget near my nativity trauma. Having hobby for you and only y'all volition assistance with your mental and emotional health likewise. Y'all start to feel happier and more than like yourself again. Slowly but surely.

Journaling can be an amazing and powerful hobby to take. It volition assistance you reverberate on yourself and have action. I would dear for yous to download my free Birth trauma journal prompts pdf!

3. Who is your support system/tribe

Yous must take a support group. You can't practice this on your own. Information technology'south so hard to take gone through this traumatic nascence when all yous wanted was a smooth easy nascency, right? Noone expects that something bad is going to happen. Itcan scar us for life. So, even though you may not want to talk nigh it considering it triggers y'all, yous do need a support system. Someone or people that will be there for y'all to listen and hold space for you to cry,to vent and to be mad. Your back up group should encourage yous and support you lot through your journey. You volition not feel lonely and it will go far easier for you to work on yourself.

4.Practice self-care

Taking care of yourself later on trauma is and then of import. Information technology helps your mood, distracts you and makes you experience improve. For me, getting dressed and putting on makeup made me feel more similar myself again. It distracted me from thinking nearly my birth or thinking I was going to die. Selfcare helps with your mental, emotional and physical health depending on what you lot're doing. Walking around your neighborhood or park helps declutter your brain, calms you and helps you capeesh your life. It'south up to y'all to take intendance of yous! Exercise it mama, it reduces your feet and stress.

5. Pray

What really helped me overcome my anxiety was to pray and speak with God. Even though I was mad at him for letting me become through this scary and life changing experience. I knew there was a better purpose for that but I just didn't know what. I prayed because I knew God was non going to let me fall. He gave me the miracle of life once more and for that I was truly grateful. It helped me so much to outset my healing process. Then, if you are spiritual, tap into that.

I do want to say that these things helped me overcome anxiety after birth trauma. It took me a twelvemonth of dealing with it. Information technology takes time, commitment and religion. Healing does not happen overtime. I must limited this to be true.

Every mom overcome trauma and it's furnishings at her own time.

What I wish I did or knew about was hiring a birth trauma autobus. It would have been astonishing to be able to take someone on my squad that listen, support and pushes me to deal with the uncomfortable emotions and feelings in order for me to heal faster from it.

I am that charabanc for you! Is the reason exactly why I became a life passenger vehicle for nativity trauma women who are ready to thrive despite of it! Enroll in my coaching program "From Nativity Trauma to Thriving despite of information technology". Tin't wait to encounter you!

life coach for moms who've experienced birth trauma

5 powerful ways to overcome anxiety from birth trauma


Source: https://www.stressfreemommies.com/2021/09/5-powerful-ways-to-overcome-anxiety-from-birth-trauma/

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